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Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care

Robyn Cody

Robyn Cody, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Researcher


Robyn Cody is a Health Scientist with an expertise in the design, implementation and evaluation of behavioral interventions in health care settings.

She has a Bachelor of Science in Midwifery from the Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften and a Master of Arts in Health Sciences from the University of Lucerne. During her Master she majored in Health Services Research with a focus on the implementation of Nurse Practitioners in primary care in Switzerland. During her PhD at the University of Basel she co-designed and implemented a multi-centered randomized controlled trial in four Swiss psychiatric hospitals aiming to increase lifestyle physical activity among in-patients with Major Depressive Disorders. Her dissertation consisted of a process evaluation covering the implementation and psychological as well as behavioral outcomes of the intervention.

Robyn Cody’s work at the IfIS focuses on the evaluation of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist implementation including the documentation of intraoperative adverse events using ClassIntra in nine hospitals.