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The journal “Implementation Research and Practice” and its publishing partnership between SAGE and the Society of Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) recently expanded their Editor-In-Chief ranks to include Dr. Bianca Albers as international editor. "Implementation Research and Practice" is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online-only journal providing rapid publication of interdisciplinary research that advances the implementation in diverse contexts of effective approaches to assess, prevent, and treat mental health, substance use, or other addictive behaviors, in the general population or among those at-risk or suffering from these disorders.
Over the last fifteen years, Dr. Bianca Albers has been integrally involved in advancing the implementation on several continents of evidence-based interventions for behavioral health via leadership positions in government, non-government, and research settings. She is a co-founder and member of the European Implementation Collaborative and was previously Associate Director of the Center for Evidence and Implementation in London, Director of the Centre for Evidence and Implementation in Melbourne, Australia, and director or co-director of several implementation research initiatives.
Dr. Bianca Albers took up her position as Co-Editor in Chief in July 2023. At IfIS, she works as Postdoctoral Researcher with a focus on the usability and role of implementation strategies and frameworks as tools for guiding and structuring implementation practice and on strategies for building the capacity within health organizations and services to develop, implement and sustain research-supported interventions. Systematic knowledge synthesis and qualitative methods are central tools in this work.